- Players are only allowed to have one account, owning two or more accounts will result in all accounts being jailed, if you are on the same IP as another player, mail staff and let them know.
- You are responsible for whatever happens on your account, don't give out your password to anyone.
- Children play this game, so keep it PG-13. Mild swearing will be permitted, but F-bombing, sexual vulgarities or excessive swearing will result in some time in Fed until you clean up your act.
- Profile images with nudity, profanity, or otherwise offensive images will be removed, and may result in jail time.
- We understand that you play other games, but do not advertise them here. You get 1 warning, afterwards its Fed time.
- Do not spam the staff's mailbox, if you have a problem, message one of us once. They will deal with your problem in a timely manner, but do not mail them repeatedly, or mail multiple staff members.
- Do not harass other players, use common sense on this one, if you don't know when you're crossing the line from fantasy into harassment, assume that you are harassing the other player. will not be tolerated and will result in a stiff punishment.
- Scamming will not be tolerated in any manner. Any attempt to scam anyone will result in being jailed for a long, long time.
- If a member of staff is bothering you for any unfair or just plain, weird reason, mail an administrator.
- Common sense rules are not posted here, if you can't determine the difference between what is ok, and what is not, you should consider not interacting with other people until you do understand.
- These rules are subject to change without notice, check them from time to time, as ignorance will not be accepted as an excuse.